Protect your noggin by wearing a helmet. For proper fitting, follow the 2V1 rule. 2. Only 2 fingers should fit between your eyebrows and the bottom of the helmet. V. Side straps should form a V shape below the ears. 1. Chin strap should only fit 1 finger between your chin and strap.
Before hopping on for a ride, make sure that you have enough battery, lights are functional, screws and bolts are tight, tires are inflated, any cargo you are carrying is tied down, and brakes are working properly.
Whether daytime, dawn, dusk, foul weather, or at night, you need to be seen by others. Wear neon, flourescent, or other bright colors when riding day or night. Also wear something that reflects light, such as reflectiv tape or markings, or flashing lights. Remember, just because you can see a driver doesn't mean the driver can see you.
Be on the lookout for hazards such as potholes, broken glass, gravel, puddles, leaves, open car doors, and dogs.
Only go as fast as you comfortably can while maintaining the ability to react to road hazards and road rules.
Plan a safe route (ideally roads with speed limits less than 25mph and designated bike lanes or bike trails). Use Google bike routes or apps like ScootRoute and Pointz to find the safest route.
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